Angela Hildreth RN, BSN
Phone: 603-673-9940 ext. 5327
Fax: 603-673-0318
Email: [email protected]
Health Office Services
The school nurses are available to students at Souhegan High School.
Services include:
- illness and injury assessment
- first aid
- medication administration during the school day
- chronic medical condition management
- vision, and hearing screening by referral for IEP/504 evaluations
- maintenance of cumulative health records, including monitoring vaccinations
- general health/wellness education
- referrals and assistance with access to out-of-school medical care

Prescription Medication at Souhegan High School
- Obtain an order from the prescribing physician.
- Sign that order or provide an additional note as the parent/guardian that agrees to the physician's order and gives SAU39 parental permission to administer this to your child at school.
- Medication must be provided in the original prescription container from the pharmacy.
- The prescription must be brought in by a parent or legal guardian.
Per the Souhegan High School Student Handbook. You are not allowed to carry medicine (prescription or over the counter) in school. If you must take medications during the school day, a signed permission note from a parent or guardian and a doctor's order must accompany the medication. A licensed nurse cannot administer medicine without a doctor's order. Students with asthma and/or life threatening allergies can carry and self-medicate inhalers and/or Epi-pens as long as there is a written note from the prescribing care provider and written parent/guardian permission on file in the Nurse's office.
Medical Conditions/Physician Orders
At the beginning of every school year, a new medical order must be provided by your student's physician. If your child has a medical condition that would require medication administration, additional consent forms must be provided. Once these are obtained, the school nurse will update any information in our medical file and create an Individualized Health Plan for your student. These orders expire at the end of every school year and will allow your child to participate in school activities and field trips.
Food Allergy Action Plan
Non-Food Allergy Action Plan
Dietary Modification Form for Nutrition Department