Community Council was founded in 1992 during Souhegan's first year of service. Its task is to create and modify school procedures as a representative body of forty-seven members. Council is purposefully diverse and purposefully student-led: twenty members are students elected by their grade, ten members are faculty, five members are from the Amherst and Mont Vernon communities, ten representatives elected in the fall as "at-large" members, the Dean of Students represents the administration, and a Souhegan School Board member is elected to represent the School Board. The representatives discuss and vote on various proposals concerning student life, school initiatives, disciplinary procedure, grading procedure, and any other matter of importance to the school community.
The Souhegan Cooperative School District is currently accepting applications for Community Member Representatives for Souhegan High School Community Council. Click here for more details!
Upcoming Community Council Meetings and Meeting Minutes can be found by clicking on the link below:
Community Council Calendar and Meeting Minutes
Looking to Connect with Your Representative?
Click the ink below to see a list of the current members of Community Council, along with their email and what position(s) they hold on the council.
Community Council Contacts List
Active Proposals:
Rank by Request Appeal
Student Activities Committee Definition Proposal
Below is a list of past proposals discussed by council.
Community Council Past Proposals
Important Documents:
Community Council Proposal Form
Community Council Candidate Application
Community Council By-Laws
Feedback to Council:
Complete the Feedback Form to give feedback to council.